The Study of Pneuma, Pneuma is the vital spirit or soul of an entity.
Originating with the Dr. Baldur Fleischhacker's Universal Properties Theory, which was an expansion on the initial Gyro-Varse Theory by archeologist and astronomer Dr. Sam Grant, wherein Fleischhacker theorized that the universe is broken into difference dimensions which hold various planes of existence.
According to the current knowledge of Pneuma, there is a verse called the Trencoverse, which all souls are attached to through a type ethereal fiber which acts as a type of highway, moving the soul to and from the Trencoverse, called the Trencoupention.
When a Soul is taken to Trencoverse to be judged, sometimes a piece of it tears away and stays behind, for various reasons, these left-overs become what is known as Echoes.
Shinmanaokimagi has often been mistaken for the center of life, or the soul itself, this however is only partially true, as Shin is more of a protective layer of the soul, keeping it nourished and from withering. This layer covers everything that holds some form of life from animals to plants. It has a mutualistic symbiotic relationship with Wuyfreg, in which Wuyfreg feed on it and it absorbs the ones that are close to death. A secondary part of this relationship is that not only does Wuyfreg eat the Shinmanaokimagi, but it also helps keep it in place instead of wandering apart.
Trencoupention connect the Soul with the Absolute. When a Soul's body dies, it returns to the Absolute.
Magi is a shortened term for Shinmanaokimagi, which are the various magical properties some entities, primarily humans, have access to. Originally gained through the use of the Theósastrikíseikónas (Umbra), and then through the use of Pneumaetic (Soul DNA) Manipulation, which caused genetic mutations (Eaftouisa), there are various other ways of gaining access to Magi, however all ways past Eaftousia are extremely dangerous to even attempt, as they can have extreme consequences.
It is proposed that the universe is made up of an unknown amount of planes (of existence) which are only created through the collection of realms (of realities). A realm, or reality is considered to be the collective consciousness of an entity, generally agreed to be life. In other words, reality is the willed creation of life.