Scinogrelk, often referred to as Scinos or Scinoks, are creatures from the Devia Entente. An aggressive monomorphic-sexed species, which originated from a planet of high mountains and deep ravines which ended in long rivers of fire, causing this species' unique evolution.
Biology & Race
Averaging a height of six foot, Scinoks come in varying sizes, and hold a nearly hairless humanoid appearance. With pronounced facial features, all Scinoks wielded two horns which can extend nearly a full foot, and were several inches wide. Tails escape their backs, just above their waist, and come in various shapes and sizes, from wide to narrow and long to short, with most resting somewhere between three to five feet in length. Like their ears, the Scinogrelk teeth all come to points, being entirely made of sharp incisors and canines. A notably interesting trait that the Scinoks hold is their elongated tongues, which left their mouths up to two feet, which were developed due to their favorite treats, in which their tongue worked similar to an Anteater.
The coloration of Scinoks depend on their race, with each of the three coming in three primary shades, which describe not only the skin tone, but their eye colors and horns as well, acting almost like a color-scheme. The muscles of Scinoks are particularly dense, being far heavier than they look at first glance, which has caused an inability within their species to swim, often sinking immediately, however this has also allowed them to go toe-to-toe with giants of other species in wrestling matches and win.
The reproduction of Scinogrelk is unusual even among the Háthón of the universe. While containing sexual organs that would be classified as male according to Human biology, Scinogrelk do not partake in any form of breeding, and are instead on a cycle of life and death, which they share with another species from their home planet. When a Scinok's body is close to it's natural death, it's partner species, a large plant-like entity, will begin to bud, it's during it's budding that the Scinok will rest their body within it's center, which acts as a cocoon and over night, while the Scinok sleeps, it wraps around them and begins to digest them, secreting a unique analgesic substance that completely numbs their prey. It then takes several weeks for the plant to fully digest the Scinok, once finished, the plant curls into a pod and goes through a metamorphosis, changing from a plant to an egg, which gives birth to anywhere from one to five new Scinoks, whose race are mostly randomized, with them being capable of being a completely different race from it's previous life.
While Scinogrelk contain sexual organs, they are exclusively male, which has raised unanswered questioned from most species, including their own. These organs have allowed them to mate with other species whose organs were compatible, one of which are Humans; making half-Scin, who, opposite their paternal species, are purely born female, and covered in a thick fur and wool, often requiring regular shave sessions to not overheat.
The most common of the Scinok, the Harrowl race range from red, brown, and hazel toned, and carry defined facial features, with pointed chins and sharp cheeks. It is most often Harrowls who have the rare genetic mutation of scaled skin, which case them to shed several times a year. Typically getting into physical confrontations, Harrowl Scinoks are considered some of the most directly aggressive species apart of the Adrophontic League.
The softer featured, more vocal race of Scinok, the Crishk tones range from green, to celadon, to olive. While still carrying an aggressive mindset, unlike their Harrowl cousins, Crishk prefer arguments over fist fights, and are the primary leaders within the species society, taking up political ranks and making the laws.
The rarest race among the Scinogrelk, the Albinton are considered the apex of the Scinok species, with blue and ceil coloration that include various shades of grey, this towering race that stands at an average of seven foot, wields black bat-like wings that wrap around them and will drag the floor behind them as they walk when not in use, gaining the appearance of a large black cloak and cape.
Extremely picky eaters, Scinogrelk often partake in cannibalism.
Crishk takeup political ranks while the Harrowl make up the military, and the Albinton make up the leaders.
Despite their aggressive natures and enjoyment of fighting, a majority of the species heavily disproves of purposefully harming and directly bullying most creatures outside of their own species.
Due to a large portion of Scinogrelk history being destroyed during a war that caused mass casualties, much of it is questioned, with recounts of the texts contradicting.