
From Harthorns-Reverie
Revision as of 20:29, 14 April 2022 by DHarth (talk | contribs)

A giant crow/hawk like predator, Birlids are the one of the only known predators to Avecs and Retrics, aside from each other. With a length of 4'3", a wingspan of 7.9 feet, and an average weight of 16 pounds, they have 5 inch, razor talons, and a beak that can snap bone, little is above this creature on the food chain. Luckily, they appear to leave humans alone for the most part, however have grown a fondness for the meats of the Mumistian and Avecs. Aside from humans, Retrics appear to be the only thing that attempts to hunt Birlids.

Named by humans due to it's similar appearance to their own birds.